Whether you have planned to divorce for a long time, or you are blindsided by a sudden separation, you need an attorney who understands you and who cares about the outcome of your case. You need a clear-headed guide to navigate the unfamiliar waters of the court system so you, your children, your property, and your money do not get lost in the process. Welcome to NMS Law Firm, Nina M. Svoren, LLC. I have been practicing law for more than 25 years. I take personal pride in helping husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other family members achieve positive results in family law matters.

The three most important factors in selecting a family law attorney are the level of attention given to your case, experience, and cost. At NMS Law Firm, you will receive exceptional service at a reasonable price. I take the time to learn about my clients and understand their lives, their hopes, their fears. Together, we identify the most important issues in your case and fashion the best strategy to successfully address them. Throughout your case, I maintain frequent contact - answering questions, providing advice, and asking questions so that I can understand your needs and goals. Even after the court proceeding is concluded, I continue to be available to answer questions that smooth the transition back to your post-litigation life.